[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qz3Gw8a.png[/img][/center] [color=bc8dbf][h3][center]~Charlotte LaChance~[/center][/h3][/color] [hr] Charlotte ignored the other woman, tuning out the music she had started playing. It was easy enough to block out other people and outside noises. It was something she had to learn how to do in Astril quite quickly. Besides, she had nothing to say, even if she could communicate verbally. She had hoped that people outside of Astril would be different, but it seemed she had been wrong. Selfish, cruel, people who only wanted to get their fun from making fun of others or watching each other suffer...hah, maybe she was just being overly pessimistic as usual. She shook her head, dismissing the thought as she walked. Might as well head back and actually get started on something. One coconut would be enough for her to eat for the day. She'd spend the rest of it working on actually getting a small base up. It took some time, but eventually they returned - Cait still following her. Charlotte frowned, wanting to get rid of her but it would be quite a feat. Outside of using physical violence there wasn't much she could do to shoo the girl away...well, as long as she didn't get in the way, it'd be fine. Charlotte placed the coconut on the ground next to her own materials, making a mental checklist of things she'd need. She'd like to eventually expand the cave - it'd be an excellent place for storage and working. No risk of...accidentally burning the place down via alchemy mishaps should something spontaneously combust. At the moment though, that'd be a far outside of her reach. Not until she could get her hands on some proper tools and maybe some sort of chemical softening agent. So for now she needed wood, something to chop said wood down with, and a way to make rope. Plant fibers would easily fit that need...and then she'd just need a good, sturdy stick and sharpen decently sized rock and she'd be able to cut down some trees easily enough. Then she'd have to find a way to make planks...eh, shouldn't be too difficult. As for a roof - some of those palm tree leaves would make for some fairly decent temporary coverage...yes, this shouldn't be too difficult at all. As long as Cait didn't bother her, she could make some decent progress today. Maybe even get a tree felled.