Following Sir Vycker inside is a massive man -- human, but it wouldn't be difficult to mistake him for otherwise. Standing at six foot six, and massively broad, the man wears thick, black plate armor that is crudely made and mismatched, but so heavy that it's likely effective despite that. A massive bear cloak hangs from his shoulders, and he has a black iron battleaxe on his back, the bottom of which clangs against the throne room's floor when he kneels. Unlike his companion, however, his voice is booming and loud, and he has a distinct Ranirocan accent. "My name is Sir Veryon, the Lionslayer, Jarl of the Heartlands. I'm here to kill whoever you need killed, reclaim whatever you need reclaimed... whatever you want us to do. Just need my pay afterwards." Like Vycker, he remains kneeling, after speaking, waiting for Gladios to give the order to rise.