[center][h1][b][color=gold]Lex[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [Center][i]Interacting with: [@RumikoOhara][/i][/center] [hr][hr] [i]This is AMAZING! Flying as a dust cloud seems pretty dull, but fuck whoever thinks that. The wildlife out here doesn't even seem to pay much attention to me. If only I had music.[/i] Lex was so excited to not only to be out at night, but using his powers the way he had wanted to from day one. He reformed his body and clothes in a clearing within the woods. The first thing he did was take a look at himself. "Clothes, skin... everything feels fine. Alright, let's keep it... Oh?" Lex let out as he heard loud crashing sounds followed by splashing and thrashing in some form of water. [i]Animal fight? Epic enough I guess.[/i] Lex thought as he converted his body into a dust cloud again. Flying swiftly between trees, Lex headed towards where he had last heard the sounds of what he believed to be a fight between two extremely evolved predators. [i]Huh? Those gators... they're all headed one way, and fast.[/i] Lex thought as he hovered over the river. His first conclusion was that the creatures were fleeing away from a larger predator, and if it was this close to the bunker, he'd need to see this thing so he could warn the others. He flew high as to be less easily spotted, though he was not too worried about being attacked. At the moment, Lex felt as if his powers were perfect for recon as he could move around almost unnoticed and unable to be harmed. And then he saw... a female bathing naked in the river while also washing her clothes... [i]Oh fuck! Oh fuck! I have to save her from the thing that fucked up those gators! Oh fuck![/i] As a dust cloud, Lex crashed into the river bank few feet away from Trinity, making a soft thud against the grass. "Hey you have to..!" Lex shouted after reformed with his hand reaching out before he recognized who it was. [i]Oh fuck... no monster predator... Just the really strong girl that I just peeping tommed. You gotta love these moments.[/i] Lex thought before noticing that he was still staring. [i]Shit![/i] Lex quickly turned around. "Uh... I am sooo sorry." He finally said once realizing everything. "I was... I thought you were in trouble, but after seeing who you were, I now know that you are just fine." Lex explained with a shaky voice as he imagined this woman performing some insane fatality on him out of one the Mortal Kombat video games with all of that strength that she had. [hr][@King Tai][@poohead189][@Aeternum][@RumikoOhara][@Spinosaurus][@Kyrisse][@Wick][@alexfangtalon][@December][@Venku]