[@KaijuBaragon]What if the Finned Beast, unbeknownst to him, attacked and killed a foreign diplomat (or someone else of great importance) and now that country is threatening war with France unless they do something about him? Obviously the people, knowing his power, have probably feigned years of ignorance at the multitude of missing persons etc. The Finned Beast can't speak for himself, so maybe the French leader is desperate enough to call on the aid of other were creatures in the event of war?? Maybe some of us will agree to help and/or protect in any way we can, and maybe some of us are siding with the beast. Just maybe this is the spark other were creatures needed to act upon their thoughts of a rebellion. A chance to gain control of a prominent country??? I'm pulling at straws here, so please don't feel like this is the idea to use. Just trying to be helpful. Also... just throwing this out there too. Sorry to rely on the beast so much, but if the other country dug up classified information on the beast's origins, that could also lead to another viable reason to capture him. Humans wanting to attempt control over were creatures again as super soldiers. Could create some nasty tensions, betrayals, and just drama all around. [@Skinner35]