[center][IMG]http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll64/CK_Slade/Junjin.jpg[/IMG][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/54/Jennifer_Lawrence_in_2016.jpg/220px-Jennifer_Lawrence_in_2016.jpg[/img] [i][h2][b][color=red]Jae Park[/color] & [color=mediumpurple]Audrianna Kent[/color][/b][/h2][/i][/center][hr][hr][center][i]Interacting with: [@POOHEAD189], [@Wick][/i][/center][hr][hr] Jae regained consciousness a few minutes after Audrianna disappeared back into the bunker. He groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head and areas that he had scraped when he had tumbled down onto the ground. It was a good thing Audrianna erected a force field around him. If she hadn't, then he would probably have broken bones here and there. A broken neck was not something he'd appreciate. A little disoriented, he looked down at himself. His eyes widened when he realized that he was buck naked, his hands immediately flying down to cover his private parts. [color=red][i]Right. I totally forgot that I'd burn my clothes away.[/i][/color] He looked around embarrassedly, his eyes falling on Ben. [color=red]"Uh, sorry, dude. I didn't mean for this to become some sort of strip show,"[/color] he immediately apologized and then chuckled uncomfortably, shifting himself so that he was completely covered by the boulder. Having confirmed that Jae was indeed naked somewhere outside, Audrianna walked back out of the bunker, Cody's arm draped on her waist. Still unaccustomed to the obvious attraction the Commander was showing her but still unsure of what they were to each other, her cheeks flushed bright pink. As soon as she spotted Ben by the boulder, she called out. [color=mediumpurple]"Sorry for the wait, Ben. I got...uh... sort of clumsy..."[/color] she explained. Jae's head popped out from behind the boulder. As soon as he saw Audrianna, his face broke into a huge grin, relief shining in his eyes. [color=red]"Aud! Tell me you brought me clothes. I---Oh, thanks,"[/color] he said as the Commander tossed a shirt and a pair of sweat pants to him. Audrianna was relieved when she saw Jae's head pop out from behind the boulder, thankful that he was okay and was awake. [color=mediumpurple]"You should---"[/color] she stopped short as Cody grabbed her and kissed her full on the lips. Her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink but despite that, she couldn't help but melt against Cody. [color=red]"Uh, yyeeeaaah, thanks,"[/color] Jae said, a little uncomfortably. Was the commander staking a claim on his friend? He really didn't mind especially since Audrianna liked the guy for the longest time. But their leader sure was making a big scene of it. Shaking his head, he disappeared back behind the boulder and struggled to quickly put on his clothes. Once he was fully clothed, he jumped up triumphantly, the sudden movement making him dizzy. He reached out and steadied himself on the boulder. [color=red]"Eh, right. Probably burned out all my energy there... I really should take it easy and..."[/color] he looked towards the Commander. [color=red]"Yeah, clothes that doesn't burn up would really help. But..."[/color] he gestured around them. [color=red]"With the current state of the world, I don't think there's any tailor out there up for making me a customized suit."[/color] [hr][center][@RumikoOhara] [@Spinosaurus] [@alexfangtalon] [@Venku] [@December] [@Kurai Assassin] [@King Tai] [@dabombjk] [@FunnyGuy] [@Aeternum][/center]