[@DracoLunaris][@Hylozoist] Elarin sighed when the AI asked for Ice Cream. The thing was always making random requests, and it never ceased to get on Elarin's nerves when it did so. Luckily, Will showed up just as Elarin was about to point out the worthlessness of the AI's request, and asked Elarin how he was holding up. Elarin looked to the swarm of Bees next to him and stated. [color=lightgreen]"Well, it took the co-ordinates without any fuss this time, so hopefully it'll get there when I turn the autopilot on. As for myself, I'm gonna try and get some sleep after we get going. This next trip is short enough that I think the autopilot can handle it, but I guess we'll see. Now, if you've got the Ice Cream thing handled, I'm headed to my bunk."[/color] With that, Elarin walked off from the bridge, and headed straight for his room. Elarin's room was a peculiar one, well suited for the reptiloid's physiological nature, with heatlamps all across the ceiling, a bed designed for flat lounging, with a video screen across from it for entertainment purposes, and a minifridge filled with an assortment of snacks. A few bottles of caffeine pills were scattered about, most half-empty at best. Elarin stepped in, flicked on the heatlamps, and flopped down onto the lounger belly-down, his eyelids closing, and his tongue occasionally flicking out from his mouth. [hr][hider=Meanwhile, in the past...] It was Elarin's first mission aboard the [i]Quest for Flavor[/i], and he was really excited for it. The job was simple, help catproof an old lady's tree so that her cats would stop getting stuck in it. The task was simple enough, but it was what happened afterwards that really stood out as quite odd in Elarin's mind. As the crew walked back towards the [i]Quest for Flavor[/i], there was a blinding flash of light just in front of the entry ramp. Out from the light stepped a strange biped, with long, spindly hands, a gilded robe, a flat head, alien eyeslits, and a greenish-grey complexion. As the crew stood there in a mix of confusion and awe, with one human member bowing down and mumbling something about "lord and savior", the Alien Figure pointed one long finger at Elarin and asked "You are Elarin, yes?" Elarin nodded silently, and the Figure cleared his throat. "You are an inelegantly white-livered mesomorph!" With that, he struck a line across the paper held to a clipboard in his hand, stepped back into the blinding light, and vanished without a trace. To this day, Elarin has no idea who that person was, nor why they insulted him. [/hider]