[h1]England[/h1] [hr] [b]Canterbury, Kent, England[/b] The Archbishop of Canterbury sat in council with the Governor-General of the Kingdom of Kent. The two men formed the duumvirate that governed the English province in the name of the King, and dealt with all the internal issues of the constituent country of the English Confederation. While the Archbishop was appointed by the Church of England, the Governor-General was elected by the Kentish people and led the Conservative Party of the Kentish Parliament. "This troop levy is most concerning." said the Governor-General. "It seems the Prime Minister is concerned about the security of the west coast since the Vornehem played their hand in Iceland. The numbers they request seem rather large for such a purpose, however." The Archbishop nodded in agreement. "Indeed they would be, for that purpose. However, I learned through the Bishop of Winchester that the rapid expansion of Aldoran into central Asia and the Middle East has also prompted this move. If Aldoran is not stopped before long, what is to stop the ancient Mongol Empire reforming? All Christendom is in peril." "Well, we may not want for allies long, in that case." replied the Governor-General. "The government notification states that the King and the Prime Minister are willing to accept a meeting with representatives from Vornehem. Perhaps a joint task force could be deployed to Persia to protect the oil wells there?" "It would certainly explain the extra troops demanded." "Indeed."