[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8a/4b/1c/8a4b1c6958a42419285012c99fca906a.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] Luck was with both the Retribution and the Vengeance it seemed. As the loads were dropped, Anisa gave the call over the coms. [color=f26522]"Now!"[/color] Gideon reached over and pulled a leaver, the engine whirled into over drive, kicking the Vengeance into a jump that cut into the atmo, sending a rippled effect of blast through the atmosphere. It caused a wall of flames in front of the Reaver ship. Thing was, the little light show being put off by what the Retribution had done had the Reavers attention and it was too late by the time everything happened for them to get away as the loads that Gene, Jackson, Atticus, and Camilla had dropped flew right through the wall of flames and exploded. The Reaver ship spun out of control and careened right into the canyon walls, bursting into flames and debris on impact. The tower that Jahosafat had had the crew of the Retribution target was falling to the pieces because of everything else and was now toppling to the ground. Jahosafat had a rather satisfied look on his features. [color=gray]"I do believe that should buy us the time frame we need ladies and gentlemen."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Indeed. Lieutenant, pursue the Vengeance at this point,"[/color] Quinn ordered. The jump and the explosion had gotten the crew of the Vengeance out of immediate harms way but the thing is, pushing an engine that wasn't quite right to begin with has it's consequences. The engine started to sputter and flame, cutting in and out. "Shit! Grab the extinguishers and get that out!" Gideon yelled before grabbing the com. "Gotta cut engine, good luck landing Daphne!," Gideon yelled through the com. [color=f26522]"Put this gorham ship down now!"[/color] Anisa yelled at Daphne. [color=f26522]"Attention, this is the captain speaking. Hold on to something, this landing isn't going to be exactly subtle!"[/color] she warned the crew. [color=f26522]"Gene, Jackie, stay close and come pick us up if we don't explode on landing!"[/color]