[@Vampy] [center][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140808090413/akamegakill/images/a/af/Leonemainpage.png[/img] [h1][color=gold]Crimson[/color][/h1][/center] Cee looks at Cicile with an excited and curious glitter in her eyes as if her pupils were filled with flecks of hammered gold. [color=gold]Wow there are two of you in a single space just like me but not like me; the woman and the beast[/color] she said with an excited giggle [color=gold]I don’t have much so thank you for the offer but I have it[/color] said as she tosses what looks like a day pack on her bed [color=gold]I am called Cee and the other I the Beast woman is called Crimson. I was raised in the wild so Melody says that I lack social skills and should tell people I meet that if I seem to be doing something strange please tell me what it is and I will think about correcting it.[/color] she adds then does a backfall onto her new bednest and using the puff of air to catch the scents it might hide.