The dwarf looked up at the soldierly man to his right, who had so openly welcomed him. He gave a slow nod as thanks, still sobering up from the little stint he had been in before, then focused his attention upon the duke. Gladios Magnus was an intimidating man, especially with the size difference between them, but his eyes just scared the wits out of Abet. Never in all his days and all of his travels had he met a man who could look so foreign, mighty, and distinguished all at the same time - but then again, Abet knew of no Drakethorn who had worked with a duke! Though it seemed questions were being taken at the moment, Abet thought it would be best for him to keep his maw closed for the occasion, not wanting to seem foolish for asking something that very well could have been asked in his absence. Instead, he took his time to observe the fellows about him. The soldier boy to his right - well, not really a boy, per se, but rather plain in appearance - was perhaps the most unique from the group simply because he was the most average. Nothing seemed to stand out about him, but that did the dwarf just fine. No need for great, elaborate theatrics if there was no call for them. To Abet's left, a great brute of a man, clad in great armor and wearing a bear skin around him. Abet pondered that they would probably get along just fine, if he could judge just from appearances. Beside him, a younger man who, despite his simplicity, held the posture of a noble soldier - perhaps, even, a knight. The way he held himself said it all, really, and Abet couldn't help but raise a brow at how incredibly [i]sophisticated[/i] the man seemed. Away from the men were two other rather intriguing figures, neither of which seemed to hail from these lands. Abet took note of the Fey Elf that stood opposite him, taking his time to look him over a few times to figure him out as best he could. He was tall, obviously very elvish, yet wore human clothes, which Abet found to be mildly amusing. But the final specimen the dwarf's eyes fell upon was perhaps the most fascinating of them all - the lizard man. Well, a lizard woman, really, but the impact was still there for the dwarf. Abet must have been a bit too drunk to really take note when he had first glazed his eyes around the table, but now that he got a good look, he was rather transfixed upon the scaled woman, the cogs of his mind churning a bit faster than usual. He was just so unaccustomed to seeing them away from their native lands that actually meeting one in a building such as this practically knocked the dwarf off of his feet. Quickly, after realizing he may have stared a bit too long, he turned away, and back to the duke, trying to focus on the matter at hand.