[@Aewin][@Pudding][@Melo][@Ailyn Evensen][@Snagglepuss89][@tsukune][@Shadow007][@Eidolen][@MayLien][@Heap241] [@banjoanjo][@CrazyShadowy] As I vaguely stated on Discord, my PC's had another one of its major breakdowns (like, the serious types -- the sort that actually put my main project on its hiatus that resulted in me joining this site to take a break in the first place), which means virtually all my data not related to this role-play (remember, I said I've only been storing data to this role-play over the PM system here, so my PC couldn't ruin this role-play) has either been lost or is in a state that it's unusable until I recover other data that's been lost. I'll have to up my damage control schedule to pretty much 100% of my time when not asleep, which means you guys won't hear from me at all for a while. I don't know how long, but I'll attempt to keep you guys up to date through Ailyn (ask her if you need to know my status). For obvious reasons, anyone who posts up an application for this role-play while I'm on my hiatus isn't going to be denied acceptance even if we go past the February 5 deadline before I can return (it's unlikely I'll have recovered by then). All I can really do at this point is hope everyone's still with me by the time I return, because, honestly, the situation is really bad. I can't multitask it with this site as it currently stands.