[@FunnyGuy][@dabombjk][@King Tai][@Wick][@Aeternum][@Kyrisse][@Spinosaurus][@December][@Venku][@alexfangtalon][@POOHEAD189][@Kurai Assassin] [Center][hr][hr][url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Mv9IzXPwDW8/U3a_R67x3qI/AAAAAAAAANI/KRqBcMto-kw/s1600/India+Eisley+Hot+and+Beautiful+American+Teenage+Actress+girl+HD+wallpapers+%252867%2529.jpg]Picture[/url] [img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161217/2c8888ca0195e0b5044c229bfafd0204.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][h1]TRINITY & LEX[/h1][/center] [color=magenta]Oh hi Lex no need to be sorry; it's not as if you were perving me[/color] then she blushes before adding [color=magenta]I guess I did raise a lot of noise clearing this section of the river. Excuse me but it's time to add to the threat so they’ll learn[/color] Then she raised her left hand up with her palm held flat as if she were about to slap a bug on the water. Her strike was fast but so fast it couldn’t tracked with the naked eye but it did have enough force to flatten a car in a crusher. The result was loud and spectacular. It was as if an artillery shell had struck the water between them and the water beneath her palm exploded out of the river in a temporary crater that exposed the rest of her nude body almost to her ankles. Birds and other creatures suddenly take fight either on foot or wing and several catfish and bream float to the surface stunned by the proximity of the explosion. But it is the result it has on Trinity that is a sight to behold as she stands briefly stunned before she begins laughing loudly. [color=magenta] Must strike the urge I had to splash you it seems because the result might be a mini tsunami[/color]