[center][h1][color=Red]Arex[/color][/h1][hr][color=gray]Location:[/color] [i]The Revenant, Cockpit -> Crew quarters.[/i][/center][center][color=gray]Interacting with:[/color] [i]No one yet [/i][hr][h2]***[/h2][/center] Arex sat slightly slumped and rigid in the co-pilots seat, all alone in the silence of the empty cockpit. Eyes closed, face void of emotion. He was blank except for the sporadic violent twitching of his eyelids. His arm hung loosely at his side from which cables ran to and from the security monitor connecting him to the cameras. This was not of his idea or interest but more of an instinctive impulse that he blindly followed. His methods were simple and non-invasive, he didn't access anything of the ship that wasn't readily available on the screen or a mere few clicks away. As he sat there almost looking like a junky, it was as if his sub-conscious. No. An alternate conscious, used the live and recorded footage to map out the ship, create facial algorithms for the crew and then search a range of data bases for any available personal information. The artificial side of his brain did further things that his conscious awakened mind wouldn't know or recall unless needed. That is often how it went. As people started to leave the war room the cables retracted back into Arex's arm and he suddenly woke up startled. Quickly reassembling the dash he picked up his brief case and with a snap of his fingers his guarding turret and drone latched onto either side before folding away inconspicuously becoming a part of it. Having already chosen and left his armour in his desired quarters, Arex casually returns to his room. To avoid the War room where the others were Arex carefully takes the emergency ladder down to the second deck where he passes through the common area.