[center][img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/1917490c-d020-4955-bde5-14c88e832f63.jpg[/img] [h2][color=f9ad81]Sloane Shields[/color] | [color=f9ad81]40[/color] | [color=f9ad81]Female[/color][/h2][/center] [indent][color=f9ad81][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Sloane appears to be in her early to mid twenties, despite being much older. Her pale green eyes stand out the most: although mostly a dull green, flecks of deeper emerald and gold dot the irises. She tends to wear dark eyeliner and eye shadow that compliments the color. Sloane’s skin is dark brown in contrast, and she wears make up to accent her high cheekbones. Her dreadlocks are dark brown–nearly black–in color and are styled like an undercut with both sides shaved close to her scalp. The dreads themselves sometimes lazily drape to one side to the other, are tied back behind her neck, or styled up in a bun of sorts. She walks with a tall, confident demeanor and tends to wear a combination of tight pants and layered tanktops to show off her tattoo sleeves. Toned arms and legs stretch far, emphasizing her height and slimness–high heels help, too. She also has tattoos behind her ear, neck, on her back and legs, hips, below her chest, and..elsewhere. Said tattoos include but are not limited to her zodiac sign, favorite quote, a semi-colon, and tribal designs. When it comes to jewelry, she has small gauges in her ears and long necklaces that dangle over her chest. She’ll sometimes have thick bracelets and rings on, as well. [indent][color=f9ad81][b]Notable Tattoos[/b] (aka magic imbued tattoos):[/color] Water color compass on her wrist that she can use to locate items or people via magic. A tree of life on the back of her neck that has roots that extend down to her back tattoos. This tattoo is what gives her extended life. On the inside of her arm, she has “seize the night” scripted in Latin: carpe noctem. It allows her to read and speak Latin fluently and was one of her first tattoos. [color=f9ad81][b]Height/Weight:[/b][/color] 6'1" / 145 lbs[/indent] [color=f9ad81][b]Race:[/b][/color] Witch [color=f9ad81][b]Sexual Orientation:[/b][/color] Bisexual [color=f9ad81][b]Fighting class type:[/b][/color] Brawler / magic user [color=f9ad81][b]Evolution:[/b][/color] Despite being one of the most powerful witches of her time, here in the void she has yet to unlock her powers. So she'll be starting as a plain old human, but here's a general outline of what I'm loosely planning for Sloane: [indent]1. Gain a weapon 2. Gain memories of her death 3. Gain some power back: her tattoos and simple magic/spells 4. Gain the rest of her memories, maybe a second weapon 5. Gain her powers back 6. ??? 7. Proft[/indent] [color=f9ad81][b]Personality:[/b][/color] When it comes to people, she can come off friendly enough, though she’s rather apathetic behind the smiles. She’s far more interested in art and animals and magic, but she recognizes the importance and usefulness in others. Still, when her mood is soured, she can be sadistic and cruel to those she feel has wronged her–though, at times, she finds herself acting pointlessly cruel sometimes out of impatience or defensiveness. Needless to say, Sloane tends to look out for herself before others. However, she can easily bond with another over similar interests. She likes being active and loves to travel when she’s commissioned for a tattoo from someone out of town. [color=f9ad81][b]Biography:[/b][/color] Magic has run in her family for a long time, though the farthest back she remembers is her grandfather who was particularly powerful. He taught her the magic she knows now growing up since his next in line–her father–wasn’t around to do so. While he raised her in magic, her mother raised her in a normal life. In high school, she attempted her first original spell to help her through Latin class: her “carpe noctem” tattoo–and it got her addicted to both tattoos and magic. A particularly romantic Valentines Day led to a teen pregnancy with her first boyfriend. She had planned to raise it with him, but when he died she put the baby up for adoption instead. Then she dropped out of high school to become a tattoo artist. Neither her grandfather nor mother were very happy, but they tried to be supportive due to the tragic loss. When her grandfather passed, she was left to figure out magic for herself. This added to her stress. She at least had his magic journals, previous generations' magic artifacts, and Nox--a demon-like creature bond to the Shield family in servitude. It was in researching magic that she found a new obsession and curiosity: immortality. She was barely 20 when she dove into research on how to live long--preferably forever. Via her tattoos, she found a way: she enchanted the ink she used on other people, and that ink would drain their life force and give it to her, instead. This significantly slowed her aging and after 20 years, she only looks a few years older. Unfortunately, an elite hunter from a very old and very powerful organization caught wind of her magic. He was no ordinary human either, for Sloane never had a problem with the average human. It still took him months, however, to fully unravel Sloane's secrets and eventually kill her. When he finally killed Sloane, it was after freeing the demon bound to her family line who returned the kindness by helping take the witch down. So here she is, in the void. [color=f9ad81][b]Reasons sent to the void:[/b][/color] I mean she was killing people to live longer. That's pretty fucked up. She also used another being as a slave for all her life. Complete disregard for human life and an obnoxious pride in her witch heritage. [color=f9ad81][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [indent]- She might be a witch, but her body is fundamentally human and she bleeds just like everyone else. Her magic is affected by her state of mind and body, as well, so being sick or severely injured will weaken her. - In regards to the magic tattoos, if they’re badly damaged or removed the magic will stop working as well. [/indent][/indent]