[@FunnyGuy] [@King Tai][@Wick][@Aeternum][@Kyrisse][@Spinosaurus][@December][@Venku][@alexfangtalon][@POOHEAD189] [hr][hr][center][url=http://www.craiglotter.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/cyphers-video-game-cosplay-trixie-by-korean-cosplay-miyuko-2.jpg]Picture[/url] [img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161202/e1c64081c2cccd6e436fc64e6fc381f7.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] Kwan was forced to run slowly pushing a really nice off road bicycle which she had strapped a huge pack made of a green tarp with rope about and held a little over 160 pounds of goods from feminine products, vacuum packed pounds of dark coffee and tins of tea; of course slowly was about 50 mph because the bike was set up to hold a person up to 200 pounds on shocks. She really liked the new bike and planned on practicing riding it later this week because even though she could cover ground 10Xs faster she missed a great deal while exploring and also because she loved these style of bicycles ever since she had to learn to use one for 3 stunts she performed in her former career. She had kept that bike and it was nothing when compared with the competition level machine she presently had possession of so the chances of her giving up the one she was pushing were slim. It was a result of the noise the hour and her speed that made her ambush initially possible as to large male shadows rushed out of hiding one holding a lariat and his partner flinging a bola at her; it would have worked if it hadn’t been the hyperactive princess of wuxia. Kwan planted a foot and lifted the bike of the road surface spinning like a mad top six revolutions before she dropped the bike allowing it to fall over as the man with lairat the flung his weapon at her because the bola had been deflected. She went hyper seeing the world around her slow to a crawl like a Wachowski brothers action scene as she reached out and snatched the lariat out of the unknown man’s grasp so quickly he suffered serious friction burns. She looped the rope to its free end and used her knot tying skills to tie a monkey’s fist knot and send her new weapon spinning so rapidly it produced a deep buzzing hum as it rotated above her head. [color=lightseagreen] Now fellows I am by nature a peaceful being but your attempt to waylay me in so foul a manner is unforgivable and I grant you both ….[/color] she was saying when a woman dropped down out of the sky like the eagle of earlier that day. Kwan only took the initial strike force because she had begun to pivot and roll with the blow as she took the lariat end of her rope and looped it other her attacker’s shoulders as she sent the other end at the bola thrower to tangle around him so he could serve as her earth anchor. The man wasn’t moving at any great speed and the flying woman was moving at about 100 mph when the laws of physics took over creating a tremendous and frankly brutal crash. [color=lightseagreen]Ouch that had to hurt but it's all on you lot how this ends now surrender and save yourselves farther pain[/color]