The little, crudely animated lizard on the NaviComp screen waved goodbye to Elarin as walked away before clearing the screen entirely, safe for the residual text that remained more or less permanently burned into the monitor screen. A reminder of every place the ship had ever been, trapped forever in a dull, green, text-y fog. The Ship AI returned to it's default avatar; two circles for eyes, a single line for a mouth. As far as the ship was concerned, there was no need to pretend to be anything else around the Bees and the Will. They were, more or less, equals; capable of being almost anywhere on the ship at any given moment, capable of seeing almost everything on the ship at any given moment. And here they were, talking about making the AI less eccentric. Deep within the computing substrate of the ship, some subroutine handling paranoia sat down with a few lines of code regarding how to handle existential crises. They put two and two together, and came out panicking about just who can be trusted. [center]>The ice cream is a back-up plan. >I need Fiddlesticks help too. >What's that about a patch? >Best make it funberry flavour ice-cream. >Drop it off outside Crew Quarter 6 too.[/center] The little line that made a mouth curved up into a smile that radiated innocence and, considering the age of NaviComp, a few stray gamma rays too. The text floated on the screen "in front" of the face for a second or two before fading away and being replaced by the next. [@DracoLunaris]