Saeril never broke eye contact with this stranger. But she had to, when she looked back at the group; her penetrating gaze softening as soon as she watched Fili and Kili helping those in need. Maybe she should reconsider; they need all the help they can get. But only one thing nagged her: Thorin wouldn't appreciate strangers in the mountain, especially in the treasure room. Yes, she's seen that too. Everywhere for that matter, thanks to Dis. Before her deformity... "You speak generously", she finally said, softly, after a moment of thought. Her eyes finally leaving the view of her godsons. "But there's a warning; steal from the mountain, the mountain will steal you", it was true; dragon sickness, a terrible need for power. It will consume the victim, shattering their minds. Fear, worry, and concern were all felt within Saeril; what if [i]they[/i] fell to it? Emphasis on [i]'they'[/i].