[@Hekazu][@Lord of Evil][@Dusksong] Mistletoe tried to pick the lock while Derrick talked about his past. The lockpicking attempts were, just as expected, entirely futile. Nevertheless slightly disappointed, she stepped back from the door, the little stick still in her hand. Derrick's narrative was a short one of friends parting ways. It was surely not a heroic epic, but still managed to touch her in a curiously subtle way. "Did you find something?" Kenza's enquiry pulled Mistletoe from wistful reminiscence abruptly. It appeared the werewolf made a crack in the door frame area when it slammed the door. Kenza promptly slipped a wooden stick towards Derrick. Mistletoe's story could wait - it [i]had[/i] to wait. The sudden discovery of the (literal) opening to freedom cleared her storytelling mood completely, and brought her usual hunter self back. She moved closer to where Derrick's cell was and waited, silently and perhaps eagerly.