Kili felt his blood go cold as the threats were made. "We didn't mean for this to happen!" He raised his voice above the others, the fear evident in his eyes. "It was an accident -- our uncle couldn't have known," he struggled to free himself, but the men were far stronger than he could ever hope to be. Gripped with worry, he watched as one of the men drew a knife towards his brother. "NO!" By now, Oin and Bofur had come to help, but getting through the mob was easier said than done. Before further action could be taken, Saeril had intervened to prevent this situation from going any further. "You heard the she-elf. Be on your way." Their newest comrade helped break the crowd up, hand near the hilt of his sword. If they tried something, he would draw the weapon. The men were all bark and no bite. Cowardly as they were, they backed off. "You'll be sorry for this!" A woman shouted, and others were quick to agree with her. "Should we see the likes of you again, you'll regret it." A young man no older than Fili was the one to make this threat. Now released, Kili was quick to regroup with the others, shaken by what had almost come to pass. Seeing Fili hug their godmother, Kili hugged both, heartbroken. Somehow, Erebor didn't seem quite so important anymore.