"Let's get a move on folks" Reaper said as he loaded the rifle case in the back of the van. The box of components already secured close by. "I'll drop you guys off just around the corner from the back lot on Westchester" he said to Sound-EFX and Phantom "And Techno, I'll be leaving the van a street or so away from our target, you should have enough space back here to work your magic, but there's a little fold-out table underneath the seat if you need a bigger workspace. If you finish up early, contact Agent or me and we'll advise" 45 Minutes Later.... Reaper and Agent were crouched on a low roof overlooking the locked storage locker. The first gang was due to arrive any minute. As they lightly conversed, Reaper kept an eye on their surroundings, looking for any sign of the Vigilance Lancers. Mindful that he'd be handling a heavy rifle later, he'd packed light, choosing to simply equip himself with a pair of handguns and, as always, a combat knife for close encounters. "Any minute now" he muttered as his eyes scoured the nearby rooftops for possible ambush points. Then, something caught his eye, a quick flash like the glare of a scope's lens "Get down!" he whispered as he ducked out of sight, dragging Agent down with him "Sniper across the way, on our right, the tallest roof" Just then, he heard voices down below, at least 5 or 6 based on the varying tones and dialects, definitely the Russians. "And here come the Bratva. Ok, I'll take care of our Vigilance friend over there. Wait for my signal, then drop down to take them out. If he starts shooting early, or another gang shows, you go early. I'll cover you when the Lancer's done" Reaper began to awkwardly drag himself across the roof, hoping to drop down onto, and then behind, the dumpster he'd used to get up here without being detected. Once on the ground, he spied an open door to the tall building he could dart into. [i]'Must be the same way he got up there'[/i] he thought as he made his move [i]'Hopefully I can get up to the roof before anything happens'[/i]