((Going to edit later. I can tell sleep and autocorrect messed him up)) [Img]https://media.giphy.com/media/23ejFgOenKSTm/giphy.gif[/img] Theme Song: [youtube]https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DMvfLcncxSGw&ved=0ahUKEwi6hIir8u3RAhUH44MKHeyLCccQo7QBCBwwAQ&usg=AFQjCNFlxiCRklqyEuphU15G0I_f-LH59Q[/youtube][/center] (second wind theme) [Youtube]https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DBR_JPnjl1A0&ved=0ahUKEwi6hIir8u3RAhUH44MKHeyLCccQo7QBCBowAA&usg=AFQjCNGkFxv-DdpFKY7cJVQBGrQainw0gw[/youtube] (normal theme) Name/Nickname: Faungatua Iverum (commonly mistaken for 'Fuana' do to her appearance send hard to pronounce name. She does not correct them) Age: 22 Gender: Female Political Affiliation: Being a stranger to the lands, for the most part, she has no bias as of yet. Fighting Style: Fauna's style with her weapon is very basic. It focuses on overwhelming the enemy with powerful and quick attacks to close distance to grab, disarm, kick or claw at the enemy before her. Her style takes principles of HEMA in terms of preparing attacks to turn each attack into a block wheN needed, and requires each block to be used to put the enemy off balance and open. Her style is grounded, power based and requires a lot of endurance. When not using her weapons, she uses a strange mixture of folk wrestling and boxing that has been influenced by other wrestling styles and ancient boxing styles to create a heavily power based style. Her style is based on muscle memory and digging into the enemy's guard with a dart and dash to either grapple the enemy or to attack their ribs and kidney woth extremely powerful strikes. The style requires you to allow yourself to be hit in order to tank through it or coumter. Personality: Fuana is a very stand-offish person who is slow to accept or trust people, but quickly to dislike them, and even quicker to anger. She is a stubborn person, both in fights and things involving pain where she will stand until every bone in her body is broken, and in other aspects where they choose a decision and stay to it and aread hard to convince or change her mind. That being said she is slow in decision making and tends to think hard on each big decision. Outwardly she seems savage to most: seeing battle as the best way to settle arguements, gruff and rude, and comes off as foolish, but what she lacks in boom smarts and street smarts she makes up for in survival skills and her ability with animals and warrior/nature based training. She has a necklace of bones. History: Fuana was born in the island city states, Tathili, unaligned and just off of the Daokai. She, like so many of them, hado a small community of farmers, spice merchants and other exotic and simple crafts. When the people gathered for a festival she proved herself as the strongest in her village when she one the wrestling tournament, and later that year, she managed to defeat (in unarmed combat) a fully grown, notorious monster boar that had been destroying crop for years. From there, she was allowed to participate in battles between other islands, and once again proved herself as one of the best, defeating many of the best warriors of other islands, only to be defeated by a man who took pity on her and spared her under the condition she became his student. Under his training, he worked hard on perfecting her extremely unrefined technique, as up until then she was able to win almost sheerly out of intensity and physical power. They trained hard and his training was brutal, but when she was done, she took a new interest in technique and method to her fighting. She continued to prove herself and claiming many new things to study and hone her skills whenever she could. Eventually, she learned of what was taught in other parts of the world and eagerly she set off into the mainland. She traveled all across the globe, learning all skills and adding fighting technique to her ever growing strength. After a long time of travel, she moved into the daokai lands. Almost immediately she learned of a request for powerful warriors. She offered herself, showing and explaining her technique. Begrudgingly they allowed her to accompany them. She would be allowed to see the way people here fight, and they would get help. Inventory: Fauna wears very strange clothing, as she comes from a very strange place. Her shirt is made of Llama wool and has been extremely cleaned but dyied and woven tightly and perfectly to make it a very good shirt and thick, as it is made to pad her slightly in case caught off gaurd in an ambush. The shirt splits at her sides to expose a small bit of her skin, her pants a black and baggy, made of imported silk textiles that slowly made their way into trade with her islands. They tighten around her ankles. Her feet are covered in leather moccasins. Over her head she wears a strange mask, meant to be the mask of a spirit of battle, it is colored red and orange, two huge eye holes, and one mouth. It is attached to a long albino wolf pelt. Besides that, she carried a 3 foot short sword that is completely straight, single sided with the top being an edge like a box cutter. The gaurd is a square, short gaurd and the shaft is wooden. Besides that she has a dagger made from the bone of the large boar she killed, and a boomerang. For non-combat items she carried a bag of stones with ruins on them, a waterskin, flint and steel, a flask of oil. A mirror, a map of daokai, a stone bowl and Grinder to work a salve, and a pack of dried meat. Other: she practices an animistic beleifs in her religion.