[h2]Mori Hoshiko[/h2] She hadn't wanted to come out and take part in the festival. The lure of such a concentration of freshly prepared food (especially in comparison to her own cooking or the rare times that Nana would try and make something) was certainly strong enough that Hoshiko might have braved a far more subdued affair long enough to sample the delicacies on offer. A big festival for the entire Imaginary District? No. Never. There were just [i]too many[/i] people and so many youkai that of [i]course[/i] something might go wrong and people would get hurt! Makiko and the rest of her organisation weren't inclined to let someone stay inside for the entire event, however. As a part of the organisation, there had been no way for her to really refuse going around the festival with someone else... though it was embarrassing that she and her escort had been left out of the patrolling that the majority of the organisation was engaged in. Not that Hoshiko would have been any good at it, but it still rankled... At least August made things easier to deal with, by dint of being much larger and easy to hide behind. So the white-haired girl was doing her best to cling to him and look out for an almost-unattended stall to get something to eat at... not that it was going all that well. Especially not after getting closer to Makiko, who seemed to attract people too easily.