Kiseki hid behind one of the garbage cans as zombies stumbled by. He leaned on the wall and was very careful to not make a sound. He had been holing up in the old man's mansion for the past three days, but when his dog suddenly decided that it was a good idea to run out and explore the apocalyptic world. Now why would a dog convince him to leave the safety of his home? Well, it was a very simple reason really. Tanushi had been a stray and Kiseki saw himself in that dog. He wasn't sure how or why, but he did. For him, losing Tanushi would be like losing a part of him. The dog was also his most trusted friend along with the old man so he just couldn't bear it if both of those living beings were gone. And so, here he was, slinking through the streets and trying to find that Shiba Inu. He wasn't sure where the dog would be right now though. He hasn't run off before so Kiseki didn't know where to look. Once the group of zombies were out of sight, he took a small peek from the garbage can and saw that the area was clear of zombies save for a few stragglers but they weren't too much trouble. There were cars too which he can use as cover. His blue eyes scanned the best route to get to the other end of the road. If his memory served right, if he made a few turns at the next alley, he should get to a local gas station. Good, he can restock there. He wasn't exactly running low on food but he'd rather have a full pack just in case something went wrong. He slowly made his way around the garbage can, looked left and right to make sure that the zombies weren't facing him, and then dashed towards one of the cars. He ducked once he got to it and then took a peek again. Okay, this time, the zombie that he was mainly looking out for had moved towards one of the open shops. Okay, that was good. He then turned to the other zombie which had been blankly staring at one of the walls. Kiseki just shook his head. The threat level was low. Best time to move out. Making sure that the zombie stayed inside the shop, he made another dash for the alley and then ran straight into the narrow halls. He stopped and then looked back and waited for a few seconds. Once he was sure that no one was following him, he continued down the alley. Kiseki let out a shaky breath, calming his fast-beating heart. He should be relatively safer here. The zombies were slow and admittedly stupid from what he saw, and losing them in the maze of walls would be easy as long as he kept his running light. He continued down the dark alleys and then made the necessary turns to make it to the nearby gas station. Hey, maybe if he was lucky, he'd get to see Tanushi here. He stopped when he reached a four-way intersection. He tried to map out what he remembered. Left was to one of those apartments, right was to that police station and straight should be towards the gas station. Hopefully he was right. He couldn't get lost now. He soldiered on. He smiled despite the situation. No matter how bad it was, he just couldn't help but feel excited. A zombie apocalypse was something that people thought were only fiction, unreal. Now that he was experiencing it himself... well, he just couldn't help but feel excited. Of course he was scared as well. He was [i]terrified.[/i] But still, he just couldn't help but feel all jittery like this while he's outside. Hopefully that strength would carry on while he is in search for Tanushi.