[h1][center][color=39b54a]Daphne Pender[/color][/center][/h1] [hr][center]Location: Bridge[/center][hr] [color=39b54a]"You better hold onto to something!"[/color] she said as the ship started going down. Well, at least we don't have to deal with the Reavers. Unfortunately that means we go down and deal with the Alliance if we survive, she thought as she tried to steady the ship. That was kind of hard when you didn't have an engine anymore. The ship kept trying to go into a nosedive, and it required a lot of effort in order to keep the ship somewhat straight. The ship kept shifting, and she was hoping that no one would get seriously injured from this crash, or worse, end up dead. She hated the thought of someone dying from a crash on a vessel she was steering. Though they all could die, so her own personal feelings about crashing were put aside. Her fear of the ship exploding when she hit the ground was more of a concern for her. Sounded like the engine was on fire or seriously falling apart. The odds were not in their favor for surviving the crash, however she had to admit that dying in a crash was better than being killed by Reavers.