"Thanks." Derrick said, picking up the wooden tray. "Let's see..." Truth be told he wasn't entirely sure what to do but he suppose he could figure it out. The lock's hole was larger than the tray so Derrick broke off a small sliver before slipping it inside. it took a little working but he managed to get it behind the latch and began pushing it out, only for the sliver to get caught on the lock, snapping into 2 in his fingers. "Oops." Derrick said. He dropped the shards and reached up to break another. The shard was too long, it'd caught on the lock before the latch had gone all the way through. And it'd snapped rather easily, which was probably partially due to the integrity of the wood and partially due to its thinness. Derrick inspected the tray to find a part near the edge that wasn't as moldy and proceeded to break of a short but thick piece. It was shaped like a triangle, thick at one end while tapering to a point on the other. He pushed it into the lock using the wider end to safely lever the latch outwards. When the width caught against the lock and prevented him from pushing it further he turned the piece, pushing the piece of wood into the lock. It didn't take long for the latch to fall out of the frame. Derrick fell back in surprise as it fell, and the door swung open slowly. "I did it!" He said excitedly, albeit quietly. [@Dusksong][@LChris314][@Hekazu]