[center][h1][b][color=gold]Lex[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [Center][i]Interacting with: [@RumikoOhara][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Lex attempted to keep himself calm, so as to maintain a cool head. At the moment, he was kind of afraid for his life. He knew nothing of this woman except she was more of a loner and had super strength. Lex had wanted to meet Trinity, but not like this, though he was not going to completely complain. The next few seconds would tell if he was at the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time. The moment Trinity spoke, Lex's eyebrows raised and relief was just pouring over his face. He was glad Trinity could not look him in the eyes at the moment, due to all of the emotions showing on his face. "A bit of noise? I thought I was about to witness real monster fight or something... Not disappointed though." Lex said as he nearly turned around by mistake. It was just his habit of looking people in their eyes as he spoke to them. Lex stiffened up and was so focused on himself, that he hardly heard what Trinity said about reminding the local predators of who was sitting at the top of the food chain. This meant that Lex did not foresee Trinity slapping the water... which in turn meant that she scared the living hell out of Lex. "Oh shit!" Lex shouted as he quickly turned around watch water from the river shoot up and out. Unavoidably, Lex wet by the splash of water. "What was..." Lex was going to question Trinity, but again he would be considered guilty of his sight. "Now this time, I'm not apologizing." Lex said as he turned his head to the side rather than turning completely around. "You know, you would make a good hunter or something. Those fish are just waiting to be grabbed, and you can take on any animal out here that judge you by your looks." Lex said with a nod. "You're out here skinny dipping instead though and just happened to run into potential food." Lex deduced. "Lex is the name by the way. And I'm guessing you're Trinity, right? You interested in finding an intact Walmart?" Lex said as he looked to her as he asked, a lot more comfortable than he was initially. [hr][@King Tai][@poohead189][@Aeternum][@RumikoOhara][@Spinosaurus][@Kyrisse][@Wick][@alexfangtalon][@December][@Venku]