'Good riddance' was the only thing that Listec could think of as he leapt from the side of the ship and landed with a soft [i]thud[/i], quickly rethinking his inner slight toward the Men and their Captain as he cast an eye over both of the short-arsed hairballs strutting about as if they owned Lustria itself – the so-called Ranger had an especial air of arrogance and 'I know everything' about him that made the Elf warm to him and become severely repulsed by him in equal measure; indeed, he was quite impressed by the diminutive half-mans ability to even scramble up a tree, let alone return with a source of food. Taking the coconut without comment and expertly cutting the top off, using the same knife he used to flay any wayward Druchii that landed on the shores of Ulthuan, he lowered his neckerchief and gulped down the milk inside; it was assuredly a blessing from Estreuth, Lord of Hunger, and he gave silent prayer...along with a verse from the [i]Catechism of Hatred and Vengeance[/i]. "[i]One false move, wizard.[/i]" She said quietly. "[i]Just one, and I will gut you like a fish.[/i]" Listec, as the Dwarf had rightly surmised, heard almost everything that went on about him - including clandestine Bretonnian threats – but, being above such petty things as disputes between Humans, he tossed the remainder of his coconut into the undergrowth with one hand and held his finely wrought longbow in the other as he walked. “I agree,” he agreed, his tongue slipping like water over the rough Reikland vowels, “lead on.”