Werecreature CS Name: Alexander Grayson Nickname: Alex Age: 20 Gender: Male Hidden Power(something not commonly known and Only One): At times, can keep his human form, but still has some of the senses of his animal form. Personality: Mainly secluded and introverted, but to a select few he is pretty extroverted. How/when you do you transform(at will, only on the full moon or negative emotions?) At will Love interest/Crush: None yet. Relationship: None Human Form: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/81/19/52/8119525cc82628c6f27550cb2d62364c.jpg[/img] Animal Form: Because I am not creative in this respect.[img]https://inspiredbylifeforever.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/black-wolf.jpg[/img] Other: Has a hatred for some demons due to his own personal reasons, so don't ask. History: TBR