[b]North Central: Shami's Stop [/b] "Woah girl, slow down." Sam gently ushered her horse to a slow trot as she came up in front of the trade station. She fetched the now crumpled piece of paper in her satchel and quickly went over it to make sure she had the right location. "This should be it," she said as she stepped down from the horse and proceeded to tie him securely on the many hitching posts for the night. Samantha had arrived a day early as she had been travelling in a nearby area and decided it would be wise to spend the night here. She made her way into the market, a soft smile on her face as she browsed the various items and trinkets for sale. Samantha wasn't one for shopping, yet she loved art in all its forms. She picked up a snack as she continued to explore the vast area. Traveling always made her hungry. In fact, she was always hungry whether she had a decent meal or not. She grabbed an extra apple for Trigger, her horse. Heading outside, bright red apple in hand, Sam's ear picked up the sounds of a struggle - or what could be a battle. Slipping the apple in her pocket, she moved outside quickly. Eyes wide at the scene before her, the one sided battle she saw made her blood boil. A man was being savagely beaten by a group of thieves. Samantha had developed a taste for battle over the years, yet hoped this will be a quick one as the days travel heavily weighed down on her. She unsheathed her sais and spun them once in her hands - the adrenaline was already making its way through her veins. "Get off him, cowards!" She spoke loudly in hopes of grabbing their attention.