Fiddlesticks raised an eyebrow at this adorable little contraption [@Hylozoist]. An amused grin lit up his face. A robot asked about dating!? Fiddlesticks wasn't sure what surprised him more, that a robot asked about dating or that a robot asked Fiddlesticks in particular about dating. Fiddlesticks was a romantic, sure, but he didn't have the best luck with females. They either considered him adorable in a puppy dog kinda way or creepy in a skulltula kinda way. None have yet deemed him manly enough nor even stable enough for a relationship. But as the ancient ballad goes, love is a battlefield. Fiddlesticks fancied himself a romantic warrior poet on a quest to rescue his princess, whomever or whatever it may be. He was in no hurry though, for he was painfully shy around pretty girls. Fiddlesticks was perfectly content with ribs and adventures, for now. Nonetheless, he was intrigued by this unexpected question. He had no idea that robots could have personality not even a sense of humour, let alone be curious of the ways of love. Perhaps, Fiddlesticks surmised, the robots and AI that are used in worlds outside of his home solar system were a whole lot more advanced. The system he grew up in was considered a backwater of the Galaxy. The boonies if you will. And so Fiddlesticks still had so much to get used to. So many wonders for him to discover and experience. "What do I know about dating? Weeeellll" Fiddlesticks took a moment to ponder his answer. "I don't know what it's like between robots and AI but between humanoid beings, things get sweet but kinda icky, in a good way." Fiddlesticks blushed noticeably. He was quite innocent and a bit naive when it came to the ways of intimacy. Speaking of said topic made Fiddlesticks feel bashful. He felt especially bashful about discussing the mushy stuff with one of the most adorable little robots he had yet seen.