[quote=@Otaku95] [@DarkwolfX37] Accepted! [Sub][s]Especially since it's Railgun-chan.[/s][/sub] :lol [/quote] Yay! [Sub][i][s]Mikoto is mine back off.[/s][/i][/sub] I forgot to add the team I planned so I'll post that here quick before adding it to the CS, just to make sure it's okay. I went ahead and tried my "abuse digivolution" strategy so you'll have to let me know if that's okay or not. A lot relies on digivolution paths that aren't shown in the game but came from wikimon. D-Bracer color: Light blue and silver. [hider=Digimon] Initial team: [hider=Dracocmon] Species: Dracomon Nickname: (N/A) Primary form level: Rookie Digivolution line: Petitmon -> Babydmon -> [u][b]Dracomon[/b][/u] -> * * (w/ Desperation) -> Coredramon (Blue) -> ** ** (w/ Malice) -> Cyberdramon ** (w/ Desire to grow stronger) -> Wingdramon -> (w/ Four Dragons' Trials) Slayerdramon -> (w/ Need to protect) [Unlock Warp Digivolution] * (w/ Malice or Fear) -> Coredramon (Green) -> Groundramon -> ** ** (w/ Regain control) -> Chaosdramon ** (W/ Uncontrolled Rage) -> Breakdramon -> (w/ Regain control) [Unlock Warp Digivolution] * (w/ Forced attempt to digivolve) V-drammon -> ** ** (w/ Malice or Fear) -> Skullgreymon ** (w/ Desperation) -> Aero V-dramon -> (w/ Desire to protect) -> Wargreymon [/hider] [hider=Tinkermon] Species: Tinkermon Nickname: (N/A) Primary form level: Rookie Digivolution line: (N/A) [/hider] [hider=Sekhmet] Species: Salamon Nickname: Sekhmet Primary form level: Rookie Digivolution line: Yukimibotamon -> Nyaromon -> [b][u]Salamon[/u][/b] -> * * (w/ Desperation) -> Gatomon -> ** ** (w/ Calm heart and mind) -> Taomon (Silver) ** (w/ Desire to protect) -> Angewoman ** (w/ Malice or Fear) -> Neo Devimon * (w/ Malice or Fear) -> Black Gatomon -> ** ** (w/ Desperation) -> Lady Devimon ** (w/ Desire to protect) -> Holy Angemon ** (w/ Malice or Fear) -> Were Garurumon (Black) * (w/ Desire to protect) -> Mikemon -> (w/ Need for power) Bastemon -> (w/ Shattering of its pride in its power) Beelzemon [/hider] Planned team: [hider=Lopmon] Species: Lopmon Nickname: (N/A) Primary form: Rookie Digivolution line: Conomon -> Kokomon -> [b][u]Lopmon[/u][/b] -> * * (w/ Malice or Fear) -> Wendigomon -> ** ** (w/ Desire to protect) -> Black Rapidmon ** (w/ Loss of something important) -> Andiramon (Virus) -> (w/ Total loss of control) Cherubimon (Vice) * (w/ Desire to protect) -> Turuiemon -> ** ** (w/ Calm heart and mind) -> Andiramon (Data) -> *** *** (w/ Having been Andiramon (Virus)) -> [Unlock Warp Digivolution] *** (w/ Beelzemon data or DNA digivolution with Beelzemon) BeelStarmon -> (w/ absorbed Beelzemon) [Unlock Warp Digivolution] ** (w/ Need for power) -> Andiramon (Virus) [/hider] [/hider]