Interactions: [@Turboshitter][@Grey] === [color=bc8dbf]"It would be rude at best to keep Jonathan waiting any longer than we have already. I believe we should take our chances and keep going. Of course depending on his servant this could be a trap."[/color] Saber commented to all of the party in general as Leon nodded at his servant. [color=00a651]"Of course. Come on now we should get moving the more time spent dawdling around the less time spent making new friends."[/color] Leon as he opened the door and went forward with purpose moving towards an elevator on the other side of the hotel. He noticed a suspicious lack of guests in this hotel however given it's high grade quality it was too be expected that there would be very few guests in between things. However he did notice a logo of Kawasaki Industries here and there meaning they definitely were partnered or co-owned by some other bigger company. Leon shrugged it off though it was just a passing note as he and Saber entered the elevator backed by Berserker, and Albert...really close space...hope no one tried anything stupid. Or cut the elevator cables...that would sound like something assassin would do. Or an asshole. However with the generic elevator music... [youtube][/youtube] Leon and the crew began their way up towards the top of the tower with seemingly no strings attached. Despite the awful elevator music as it buzzed in his ears. Saber even looked uncomfortable as he coughed trying not to stay to close to the rather beautiful berserker. Saber...had a soft spot for women. Not girls like Satsuko of course but he was well known for his charm with the Britain. He supposed it could be worse...his king could be in front of him. Well technically his master was right next to him....why was he thinking of this right now? Was he really that impatient or was it this damnable constant music? If Saber was any less of a man than he was he may have asked if he could rip out the radio. After what seemed like forever (and 11 long floors worth of elevator music later) they finally arrived at their destination. The 12th floor of the hotel. However as Leon and the crew exited he looked around and noticed a suspicious lack of people. [color=00a651]"Saber on point."[/color] Leon stated as Saber nodded firmly now on guard in case anything happened. He would hate revealing himself here but if it meant Leon's safety was in peril then he would gladly give away his name at the drop of a hat. His master's health was first and foremost in his duty as a knight, a servant, and a partner. As Leon walked around he noticed a few runes scattered around and stopped to study one. [color=00a651]"Presence concealment barrier. I can't feel any servants here...that may be an issue. However I do feel something when I try and sense Berserker....I wonder if its because she's close by."[/color] Leon questioned as he moved through the building until they found the room they had been looking for. The room seemed familiar enough. Leon knocked on the door. No answer. Leon knocked again. [color=bc8dbf]"He may have forgotten about us...even if he hasn't we should let ourselves in. See if we can find out any clues about our 'friend' Jonathan."[/color] Saber said in a uncharacteristically conniving manner. [color=00a651]"You sure?"[/color] Leon asked as Saber nodded. [color=bc8dbf]"To know one's enemy one must take drastic measures even invading the privacy of another. This man may be trying to fool us Leon. Never forget people aren't as good as we are. Morally speaking."[/color] Saber commented to his master in return as Leon nodded... However as Leon opened the door what he saw was something out of a horror sequence. His eyes opened wide in abject fear, and disgust and he could feel his insides turning. All around the room was blood, guts, and gore. Destroyed furniture, and appliances were thrown around hap hazardously. There were towels pressed up against the carpet which reeked with fresh blood. Saber grabbed Leon and pulled him backwards as he stepped forward his face furious. He stared at a man sitting on a couch that had been moved to face the door. Half of the body of Jonathan laid on the couch. The other half of the couch was occupied by what could only be a servant. A man with blonde hair, a bloodied white shirt that had been unbuttoned exposing the scarred chest of the man in front of him. There were two swords laid next to him but they weren't covered in much of the blood. All of it came dripping off the hands onto the man's black pants. His eyes were focused on his newly arrived 'guests'. He raised his arms and smiled as if welcoming old friends. [color=ed1c24]"You see this man right here? Thought he had all the rungs covered. But he didn't...a man of my experience could find the cracks. Of course I did have help...too bad Caster wasn't all he was cracked up to be. But I'm getting ahead of myself aren't I? Greetings from my master...and a special greetings from that Princeling Togami who allowed us to get to the point we are now. Jonathan was stupid he didn't know the people who owned this hotel were owned by Togami's Conglomerate. A sad end to a pitiful man...a shame really...the only reason he got caught was because Togami saw him at the's first?" [/color] the man grinned with some slight sadism in it. It wasn't evil...he was just excited for his first real challenge.