"[color=c4df9b]Hey... You gonna go? You do realize these turns are on a timer, right?[/color]" The boy pointed to a small timer to Umi's right. Thirty seconds remaining. "[color=c4df9b]If you don't go, I'm just gonna end up going again... You [i]are[/i] a student here, right? This is the very basics.[/color]" __________ Meanwhile, elsewhere on campus... __________ It wasn't far into Elly's little speech that she would have noticed; the child she had chosen to duel against didn't seem frightened at all. In fact, [url=https://i.imgur.com/04fSI9D.png]he (or she, it was difficult to tell between the loose burlap clothing, unruly hair, and the layer of dirt and grime that practically covered every inch of their body)[/url], looked pleased as punch. Grabbing hold of her pointing hand, the child yanked her forward a couple extra steps, bringing them within inches of each other. Their voice was a high-pitched chirp, occasionally escalating into birdline shrieks of excitement. "[color=bc8dbf]Sounds good, but this feels a little exposed~; How about a change in VENUE?[/color]" The child stomped, hard... And the ground flickered away into nothing. Both duelists plummeted into the abyss. When the shock of falling had passed, Elly would discover she had come to rest at the well-cushioned bottom of a pitfall, roughly eight feet wide and ten feet deep. The child she had been hunting stood at the other side, their duel disk at ready. It was the same scroll design as the boy's, but this one was colored a bright, vibrant red. "[color=bc8dbf]She's up! We DID it partner! I really got one! I TOLD you we'd get... O-oh yeah, he left...[/color]" The kid pressed a finger to their lips and looked a little lost for a moment, but recovered quickly. "[color=bc8dbf]Well, I'll make sure to tell him a~ll about it later. Partner's really, REALLY strong! Stronger than me, even![/color]" Not waiting for an answer, the girl drew five cards. "[color=bc8dbf]A~nyway, since you DID say I could go first~ I'll set two cards facedown, then end my turn.[/color]" [hider=What Happened] [hider=SillyPhilly] [list] [*] My character is still waiting on [@SillyPhilly]'s character [*] My character pointed out that rounds are on a timer [/list] UMI - 8000 - HAND 5 NONE - NONE - NONE - NONE - NONE NONE - NONE - NONE - NONE - NONE NONE - NONE - NONE - NONE - NONE SET - SET - SET - NONE - NONE ??? - 8000 LP - HAND 2 [/hider] [hider=Ryik] [list] [*] My character accepted the challenge from [@Ryik]'s character [*] My character revealed they were standing atop a pitfall [*] Both characters fell [*] My character took the first turn, playing two facedowns in their spell and trap zone [*] My character ended the turn, passing to Ryik's character [/list] ELLY - 8000 - HAND 5 NONE - NONE - NONE - NONE - NONE NONE - NONE - NONE - NONE - NONE NONE - NONE - NONE - NONE - NONE SET - SET - NONE - NONE - NONE ??? - 8000 LP - HAND 3 [/hider] [/hider]