[center] [color=gold][h1]Nyxx Hollow[/h1][/color][/center] [@LuckyBlackCat] Nyxx put her hands behind her head and rested on a nearby bench after having won her own battle she settled down and watched her partner partake in her own training. Her blood was boiling for another battle, but her Pokémon were a little too weak at the moment and tired from the past battles so she decided to cheer Amber on in her own. The fight began with an Alolan Grimer, the first form of the Pokemon looked as if it was a rare shiny if it weren’t for the yellow jaw line; Amber sent out her newly acquired Rockruff, the little pup seemed to have energy to spare unlike her Jolteon. A poison type at heart it was only a matter of time before the rock wolf was afflicted, but still Amber managed to pull out a win. Next came the Elekid an electric Pokemon, Rockruff would have the advantage provided it knew some form of rock move if nothing else ‘baby’ Pokemon like Elekid, Pichu, and Magby weren’t the best at battling even against other preforms. It took some time, but Amber pulled out yet another victory with an injured Pokemon proving that little puppy had spirit. Finally, everything was over and Nyxx stood up, stretching out and began to walk to the Pokecenter with her partner Amber. [color=gold]“You know I don’t think of strategies,”[/color] Nyxx said, laughing at the question a little.[color=gold] “Eventually we’ll have to cover our bases better, maybe a psychic type or something versatile”[/color] she started to explain as the duo made it to the center and prepared to walk in.