[@Turboshitter][@Grey] === [color=ed1c24]"You know...I was hoping for a fight between just us servants. What I did to this guy was personal you know. Interrupted my fight. The one who blew up the docks was him."[/color] the man said as he glanced around thoroughly unimpressed by the change of settings as he stood up he grabbed his black sword and held it in his right hand. [color=ed1c24]"My instincts tell me you're both sword users...neither of you have the physique for magecraft. I'll fight on fair grounds....then I'll grind you into ash with my fists."[/color] the man said as he reached behind the couch and gripped the end of something else which turned out to be a sword and pulled it out as Jonathan's corpse rolled forward. Apparently he had used it to keep the body propped up. As the fairies attacked him he took the blows as if they were nothing but child's play and slammed his foot into the ground and moved it forward finishing a circle on the ground that Leon had failed to notice. A bloody magic circle. The magic activated and Leon could feel something in his body burn as he fell to his knees and grasped his chest. His body felt like it was burning. He felt fire before and he recognized the same feeling as if he had just been burned. He had been preparing to conjure magic a moment ago just in case but now he felt as if just the act of calling upon it hurt his soul. [color=ed1c24]"You think this was suppose to be a one on two? No in case anyone had the idea of fighting as a team here...I was to finish this according to the big guy who anchors me. According to what he told me it's suppose to suppress magical energy by way of pain. Of course if you still want to try...then go ahead!"[/color] the big man said as he quickly and brutally swung his swords pommel to dismiss the pesky magic that Albert had summoned. Saber grabbed Leon and pulled him back. [color=bc8dbf]"My lady I will watch the charges fight the enemy in front of us. While I can't stomach this evil the close quarters of this area will certainly not be a boon to our human allies. Destroy this evil!"[/color] Saber growled as he prepared at any moment to summon his blade to his side if he should need it. He hoped Albert would take this cue to move back as well. Leon could tell that this magic barrier that he felt around them was merely acting as a deterrent to use magical force as a ways of attack. It could've been more effective but he also felt that this barrier was not used to stop a fight...but to prevent one from happening like how police used riot gas to suppress a mob...if that analogy made any sense. [color=00a651]"Gah! It hurts but....just don't...channel magic...just supply it to...the servants."[/color] Leon managed to get out despite his pain. It was starting to dissipate though as he sent his magic outward towards Saber.