[b]North Central - Outside of Shami's Stop [/b] Samantha never made it a habit of smirking, but that time she did. She relished when people would underestimate her even before they had the chance of fighting her. In fact, she hoped they would as that simple mistake on their part would make this battle much easier for her. "Is there a chance we can...talk?" She attempted weakly, and chuckled when they continued to advance on her. Samantha shrugged "Worth a try," she said before she lunged at the first one and slammed the hilt of her sai against his temple. Quickly, she dodged a kick that came from the second thief and took advantage of his opened stance to kick his feet from under him and slammed her foot down on his sternum. She then blocked the oncoming hit from the third thief with her forearm and delivered two hits with the hilt of her sais, effectively knocking him down. The fourth landed a few hits, but he was just as quickly put down with a vicious kick to the stomach and a knee to the forehead. With laboured breathing, Samantha cast a glance at the downed man and said "Can you get up?" She then turned her attention back to the thieves. Her hits stunned them for a moment but they were nowhere near knocked out status.