She stood still as a statue looking down at the street below through the window of her 9th floor hotel room. It had been nearly an entire day since Jen had last eaten, but the fear she felt held her back from venturing outside to get some food. Simply put, she was desperate at this point. Neither one of her parents were answering their phones, and likewise, Jonas was missing in action as well. If he hadn't survived this...[i]catastrophe[/i], how could she? But time was running out, and the thought of slowly starving to death didn't sound the least bit appealing. "Screw this," she said to herself, walking away from the window. Jen grabbed the dinner knife from her room service tray and went to the bathroom to wash it, but when she turned on the faucet, the water wouldn't run. [i]Fucking perfect[/i], she thought to herself. Looking around, Jen grabbed a towelette and used it to wipe the blade clean. She looked at the knife for a moment, wondering how in the world it would help her against a horde of zombies... The thought alone was weird. Zombies? Those only existed in horror movies, and it was a subject you would never think you'd have to worry about. But, they were real now, as much as it didn't make sense, and Jen would simply have to rely on her survival skills to get her as far as she could. With the knife now securely stuck between her belt and her pair of jeans, Jen left the safety of her hotel room and walked out into the hallway. No sign of life out there, and she wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or it was bad news. She took the nearest flight of stairs to the first floor lobby, and didn't notice anyone around save for a stray dog sniffing around the mess on the floor. Jen didn't pay any mind to it, knowing that she would eventually get too attached to it and that it would place her at a greater risk in the future. When she reached the double doors at the main entrance, Jen collected her thoughts for a moment before stepping out into the streets. She scanned the area to take note of any potential vantage points in case things got out of control too quickly.