There was most probably an expression as The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell's shanghaiing failed on the robot, but that expression was solely between him and the Devil. Well, perhaps Fyodor should've straight up gone with fighting it at first sight. But alas hindsight was twenty twenty as the old saying went. Fyodor Leo Konstantinovich activated the auto-shuffle function and activated his duel disk. The orange scythe was created from solid light. He gathered his hand as he dramatically pointed at the robot before going on a tirade. [color=f7941d][i]"Проклятый ваш испорченной япошка железа! Вы не следовали моим командам. Из-за этого предательства я буду лично отправлю тебя в трудовой лагерь. Ну после того, как я выиграть это дуэль конечно. Однако ... возможно, я должен просто превратить вас в металлолом после моей победы!"[/i][/color] [color=f7941d][i]"I'm going first."[/i][/color] spoke the Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell as he glanced at his hand, pondering the move he would make. He placed a single monster down on the field face down in defense mode. [color=f7941d][i]"The notion was [b]very[/b] acceptable, you are simply a low class model that is full of glitches I'm sure. End turn."[/i][/color]