[center][h1]Lancer[/h1] [sub]Interacting with [@Grey][@Turboshitter][@1Charak2][/sub][/center] [hr] Lancer winced at his master getting his foot stomped in. Technically he probably should've stopped that from happening, but to be fair he was under the impession that they were allies. Coupled with her angry look at his direction, he couldn't call it a stare with her eyes being covered as they were but he'd recieved a decidedly negative impression aimed at him directly, this lady seemed like a heap of trouble. She seemed to like her master though, so at least she wasn't likely to do anything too crazy, unless ordered to of course, then he had no doubt she'd rip anyone apart with a smile on her face. Not a bad trait all things considered. Sos didn't seem to mind, setting to work on fixing the foot while inquiring as to how this situation came to be. The boy offered up some cake, which Lancer immediatly went to retrieve, coming back with two plates of it to listen to the boy's story. [color=teal]"Cake's good."[/color] Lancer said cheerily at the end of it in response to the question. He didn't really care about the story that much but in response to their cordial host he'd payed attention to it, at least a little. And in all fairness the cake was good.