Well not so much an emporium I suppose! Mostly since these are all the ideas I have at the moment, though more may be added. Just a few basics. I request all my partners be 18+ just in case any mature stuff happens, whether it's violence and gore or otherwise. I'm comfortable playing both males and females. I usually try match my partner in post length but have a bare minimum of at least one paragraph. With that said, here are the plots! [hider=The heretic and the higher power (new plot)] In the land of Anwell there are two kingdoms that live side by side in peace. Each is ruled over by a Deity that gains power through faith. The more people that follow the creed and pray to the God, the more power they have. Conversely if they lose all followers and faith then they will wither and vanish. All was peaceful until one kingdom decided to assault the other. Entirely unprepared they did their best and called to their Goddess to aid them, but the other kingdom had sowed the seeds of doubt, crippling her power. Despite a valiant attempt, the kingdom was overthrown and worship of their Goddess was entirely outlawed. A few devout followers resolved to practice in secret, but knew it would not be enough. They prepared an ancient ritual that would allow one of them to bind their life essence to that of the Goddess and give her a mortal form. It would give them the precious time they did not otherwise have. However, the other God knew of this and sent his agents to sabotage the ritual. The two sects fought but ultimately the ritual was completed, although it did not go to plan. The Goddess was bound to someone completely random from her Kingdom. To make matters worse the person she was bound to was a heretic. Someone who profusely refused to believe the Goddess was worth believing in. With enemies closing all around her the severely weakened Goddess has to find a way to bring this lost child into her arms and use him as a platform for staging a rebellion. If she fails then all hope is lost. --- In this case you'd be the Goddess and I'd be the heretic. [/hider] [hider=The Painted Lady] What is an artist without a canvas to bring alive all the wonders of the human mind? When the artist discovered her partner's body seemed to bring to life whatever she painted upon it then the ultimate canvas was born. Using this gift they created whole worlds to explore. But when her lover fell ill the artist resolved to use her gift to find a way to save her, no matter the cost. --- I'd prefer this to be f/f. I'm happy to play either the painter or the canvas. [/hider] [hider=The Pantheon reborn] Many years have passed since the Greek Pantheon faded into obscure legend. Few alive know much if anything about them. Long have their spirits languished, waiting for their chance to return. And so they do, but in the bodies of mortals. Each of them possesses a portion of their former splendour. As they begin to learn who they are and find each other they learn they are able to ascend to Godhood once more, but the trouble is they've grown accustomed to mortal lives... --- Possibility for doubling up. Happy to discuss preferred Gods, though I'd love to have a Hades/Persephone going on (I'd play Hades in this case). [/hider] [hider=A vanished God] Hades has vanished from the Underworld. Disappeared without a trace. Some of the Gods find this amusing and care little, believing it to be a joke or that he is simply playing some game. Unfortunately when he doesn't return the consequences become very real. Without Hades the dead can no longer be confined, and the living can no longer die... Immediately the hunt begins to find the missing son of Olympus. Each believe they know where they might find him. Persephone knows in her heart that she alone must be the one to find her beloved husband and sets off to begin her search. --- I'd play the part of Hades in this, with you playing Persephone. [/hider] That's all for now. Feel free to PM me any time ^^