" It's fine to be a mess but don't let that cause you more pain then you're obviously already in alright?" Juni says pulling off a small smile. Juni shook the woman, Mari's, hand."Juni. Nice to meet you." She says before retracting her hand from the others hand."Uh, R-Rhage isn't my Hellran. I-I was saved by 'im." She stutters before taking a breath." My farm was attacked by some Lesser's Rhage had come and saved me. I am just stayin' here until I can get back on my feet." Juni jumps when she hears Rhage speak but she remains silent as he spoke before letting out a small giggle."To bad. Oh well, I was plannin' on takin' Mari to her room so she can go lay down but I am sure I will be there when you get back." Juni says with a straight face having joked around like this with Michel before. She gently grabbing the girl by the arm."See you then!" She says cheerfully taking Mari to her room. Once coming to the room she lets Mari go and smiles at the girl." If you need anythin' just come to my room alright?" She says. Juni felt the anger before seeing him turning her head a bit she saw the man who had caused Mari so much stress. Deciding not to be rude Juni smiles surprising herself with not crapping herself at the sight of him."Hello Zsadist. I am just comfortin' Mari while you were away. I am guessin' that you would like me to leave so." Juni turns to Mari."I'll see you later." With that Juni turned and walked away from the room when she was far away enough she bolted into the bathroom shutting the door quickly. Juni was shaking a bit she closes her eyes willing herself to stop shaking before sighing. Zsadist scared the shit out of Juni and she made a metal note to keep a careful eye on him and Mari. After shaking off her fright she strips herself of her clothes thanking The Scribe Virgin that she finally could have one. [@belle]