Turning to the distressed drunkard, who she saw now was seemingly not as helpless as she had assumed, she decided to do her best to comfort him at this time. She realized her presence was irratic and most likely terrifying, seeing as she was a murderous woman in strange clothing and an impossibly loud and obnoxious roar, but it was worth while. She knew that if she attempted to speak clearly to him, she'd end up with nothing more than confusion. There was a chance she could mistaken for a beast or someone cursed if she talked do to her lack of ability. Instead, she turned to him slowly. Now with splatters of blood on her mask, she raised her thumb up with a fist underneath, Giving him a thumbs up. It was the best she could think of at the time, perhaps later she would try tout explain herself, but not now. Now she needed to be a righteous indignation of justice upon what she assumed was unworthy nobles praying on weak peasents. It was not her place but it was against her code not to intervene after all. Having been keeping the man up with one arm and the sword cleaved into his shoulder, she placed a foot on his left pec and pressed on it, pulling towards herself with her arm, and watched as he slowly slid off, her eyes, or to everyone else the dark void holes next to one another, staring straight at the last remaining standing man. As the fallen victim finally slid off she raised her sword once more. "He die for crimes, yes?" She asked, deciding that her strange choice in language would be tolerable here. To her it seemed sensible enough that she would not seem too out of place, which she had been doing so horribly already.