[center][color=silver][h3]~Lucille Geroux~[/h3][/color] Location: Hau'oli city, Beach [/center] Lucille gave Io a rather bored look. Playing hero, still? Not only that, sharpedos...that made this whole thing a lot more difficult for her and Lazza. Water pokemon in general were not something she liked to mess with for obvious reasons. She wasn't too keen on battling to begin with, and against a water pokemon she could be bothered if Lazza really wanted too. But against something like a Sharpedo? yeah, no, she wasn't going to mess with that. The wishi-washi could get eaten for all she cared. Instead of helping Io, Lucille ran a hand through her hair, sighing in boredom. [color=silver]"Hmm, I think we'll let the boys handle this, Lazza."[/color] Lucille said, clearly not interested in the turn of events. Lazza seemed to agree, at least for the most part. Not that she had any qualms against battling, but that was clearly a losing battle for them and she wasn't interested in losing. Losing was annoying, and not something befitting of her. She walked back over to Lucille who decided to take a seat on the beach, instead electing to watch the rest of the events unfold. The salamander pokemon crawled its way back onto Lucille's shoulder, watching with mild interest. She hoped they got beat hard, so she could laugh.