Elly was speechless for a short, fleeting moment. Once that moment ended, she couldn’t help but laugh derisively. “Ahahahaha! You must be retarded!” Elly drew her cards, looking them over with a fiery excitement. “A real shame I got stuck with a weakling like you. I can only imagine how much better that partner of yours is, but I guess I can’t blame him for not wanting to be around someone who thinks pitfall traps are worth shit!” Elly sets one monster and three face-downs. “[i]Fight me![/i]” [@Menhir] [hider=State of the field] ELLY - 8000 - HAND 2 NONE - NONE - SET - NONE - NONE NONE - SET - SET - SET - NONE NONE - NONE - NONE - NONE - NONE NONE - NONE - SET  - SET - NONE ??? - 8000 LP - HAND 3 [/hider]