[color=00a99d][b]Prof. Sosthenes Antaeoi Kanakaris[/b][/color] Mizushima Household, 2:06AM Interacting with: [@Eklispe] Cu Chulainn, [@Turboshitter] Ren Mizushima, [@1Charak2] Medusa [hr] Sosthenes took Ren’s revelations in stride (limp, technically, since his foot was still regenerating) as he tucked a napkin into his collar and began eating the cake Ren’s mother had prepared. After the boy had finished speaking, and he had eaten his second slice of cake, the professor became struck by a thoughtful silence. [color=00a99d]“Lancer,”[/color] the professor said calmly, [color=00a99d]“I want you to do something for me.” [/color]He gestured for the Servant to approach, before continuing. [color=00a99d]“I want you to punch me in the face. As hard as possible. I want all of it. All of that B rank strength, focused into your fist, or whichever impact delivery system you choose, and transferred right in my cranium, sending me through that window.”[/color] He pointed to the window, the broken one supposedly shattered by Ren’s balls. [color=00a99d]“I want you to destroy this body in an explosion of gore. To launch my giblets at mach speeds, flying into the stratosphere like meteorites in reverse. Because [i]clearly[/i] I am still sitting in the plane with the garishly loud baby and the chatty seatmate, asleep and dreaming about what has happened so far.”[/color] He closed his eyes, extended his arms like the Christ crucified, and became silent, before quickly becoming un-silent. [color=00a99d]“T’was a jest! A joke. A rhetorical device. A “jay kay fam ex dee”. Lancer you… didn’t actually think I was serious, I hope.”[/color] He lowered his arms, rested them on his lap, and opened an eye, assessing his apprentice and Rider from his seat. [color=00a99d]“I cannot truly say I am [i]not[/i] proud of your initiative, but I question your judgment, Ren. Saving a woman, a Heroic Spirit no less, was an admirable act, but now you’re in something far above your paygrade - as they say. So I will take this opportunity to scold your foresight - that was it.” [/color] He nodded sagely to himself, having doled out an acceptable token requisite punishment as a teaching lesson, even if his own personal belief was quite the opposite. Ren’s actions were unexpected, yes, but not completely undesirable. Clearly the boy had learned something of improvisation and magery if this Servant determined him to be the most acceptable Master, and the virtue he’d displayed was not something to scoff at either. [color=00a99d]“That said, rejoice Ren Mizushima! You are now a Master in the Holy Grail War,”[/color] Sosthenes declared before making a face. [color=00a99d]“No, no. That makes me sound much too similar to those strange, corrupt Eighth Sacrament clergymen.”[/color] He waved his hand. [color=00a99d]“At any rate, regardless of the dangers, I will make it one of my goals to ensure that you survive this war,”[/color] he said proudly, flexing his toes beneath the lowset table, [color=00a99d]“You have been honest and trusting of me, and I am lodging in your home. So it is only right I extend such a courtesy to my brightest student.” [/color] Sosthenes stood from the seat. [color=00a99d]“But as the Holy Grail War is to be conducted at night, it seems we have time for preparation at the moment,”[/color] the professor explained, [color=00a99d]”You have my boxes, no? They should come in handy. Feel free to fraternize with Lancer as well - as I may have told you beforehand, his status as a magus may come in handy for teaching purposes and other such things.” [/color] The professor stepped away from the table and began pacing around the ground floor, getting a feel for what the layout was. [color=00a99d]“...[sub][sub][sub]Need to[/sub] erect Bounded Fields,[/sub] keep the competition[/sub] out of our headquarters,”[/color] he muttered, passing through the central space once more, before stomping up the stairs. [color=00a99d]“Also need to run reconnaissance, ensure we are [sub]aware of what [sub]exactly we’re [sub]dealing with[/sub][/sub][/sub]…”[/color] [hr] [color=ed1c24][b]Berserker[/b][/color] 12th Floor Hotel Room Interacting with: [@Turboshitter] Albert Prelati, [@VanceXentan] Lancelot, Leon Winchester, Dual Wielding King [hr] Berserker made a guttural noise, suppressing the pain from the enemy’s headbutt through faith and fury. She was a survivor; enduring was her specialty. A face against a wall of flesh was [i]nothing[/i], everything that came after was likewise in the face of her skill at arms. The quick jab was sidestepped in accordance to her original motion, using the enemy’s defensive blade against him by generating extra leverage with her might in order to reach his back where, with a quick and simply flick of her wrist, her blade lashed out at the tendons and ligaments of both his knees, aiming to hamstring him in a non-lethal, but still quite vulnerable and important, position rather than the much more fatal but more easily defensible spine. Whether it hit or not, she followed through with the momentum and back-stepped, generating an acceptable distance between the two, where the enemy would be in her sights. [color=ed1c24]“You jest, [i]Berserker[/i]. My belief in humanity is what gives me strength.”[/color] She flourished her sword, carving a half-circle straight through the floor behind her before pointing it at her opponent like a spry fencer.