Toony wasn't too surprised at Vanessa's lack of conversation. She seemed to not be much for talking, so it was time to change that! Or at least, thats what Toony hoped. Maybe they could get some girl chat in or something, being a recluse was never good for anyone. [color=6ecff6]"So why don't you feel you fit in? Something with those teeth? Pretty sure that people think vampires are sexy. Fiddlesticks seems to dig the vampire look anyway."[/color] Toony was trying to slyly get Vanessa to open up with some passive aggressive chit chat. Usually organics tended to respond well to praise or passive chatter. [color=6ecff6]"Way more so than the robot girl look. Though not many organics go for robots anyway. Something about most AIs being too erratic or simple."[/color] Toony said with a laugh, continuing with [color=6ecff6]"Or homicidal. That tends to happen a lot."[/color] before laughing a bit more. She paused for a bit, using one of her hands to idly check the couch for precious metal coins. After a bit, toony figured it was time to change tacts, office romance probably wasn't the best subject. [color=6ecff6]"That aside, wanna talk about yourself? You know, brag about your accomplishments and such?"[/color] Toony said. [color=6ecff6]"For example, I was made to mostly make weapons. Gauss weaponry is very difficult to make without the correct molecular structures for the gun or ammo. but that got boring so I left. More fun when carbon comes from food, not coal."[/color]