[@Im a huge mess] [color=cyan]Jesus...that hurt.[/color] Damon bluntly commented as he got up and grabbed his phone. [color=cyan] What? The song? It's called "Starli-"[/color] Damon stopped when he saw the look in the girl's eyes as well as the fire she had ready, his first reaction was to form a short but jagged icicle in his right hand, making sure his phone was in the other, he pointed it towards the ground in case she wasn't going to hurt him, the light in his own eyes glowing a bright turquoise. At first he thought he'd have to use it until the flames on her went out like embers. When this happened he dropped the frozen weapon to the ground and finished his sentence. [color=cyan]Like I was saying, the song is called "Starlight". Here...[/color] Damon finished as he turned the volume up and restarted the song. [i]Stardust in you and in me Fuse us into unity Primeval We're coupled Born from the universe Farewell The void is calling Don't fear for futures and dreams They're fleeting, retreating It's ok. I promise. [/i]