[@Hekazu][@Lord of Evil][@Dusksong] Mistletoe waited anxiously for Derrick to try to unlock his cell door. If it proved successful, their collective chance of getting out and surviving this whole ordeal would get greatly boosted; if not, they would have to face Wolfwing directly, a thought that sent shivers down her spine. Next to her Kenza was dead silent as well. With a direly dreaded atmosphere in the background, the suspense was deadly. Almost miraculously, the first good thing since their capture happened as the door slowly creaked open. The two ladies sighed in relief at the same time. Kenza asked Derrick to unlock their cell door and said, "we need to find our weapons -- or at least some weapons -- before the Wolfwing comes back sniffing." The proposal was surely appropriate - Mistletoe's only skill apart from stealth was archery.