It seemed like everyone else was set on leaving, save for Deravan, that is. After thanking Miles for healing me, I finally spoke up "Wait, it seems like Deravan's trying to get some loot off of the human. Deravan seemed to be looking at the archer's body oddly closely, and honestly, I could use a rest. This seemed to upset Backstabs and the princess, both of whom voiced their concerns with this "We wasted enough time with your bumbling, already! I'll bet they were attracted to this spot thanks to your lightning spell!" Backstabs shouted at me, apparently still a little sore about the unusual way that I woke everyone up. "Won't it be boring if we just sat here, and waited?" the princess asked... though, given who and what she was, I didn't care too much about her opinion, and neither did the rest of the team, even if she was on their side with this situation. Finding a nearby log that was probably a part of the wagon that I burned, evidenced by the burn marks all over it, I sat down, and simply waited on the possibly splinter-ridden wooden 'log'. I felt a little bit better after the short rest, though, apparently, the others didn't share that feeling. Backstabs sort of glared at me, a little bit, and the princess didn't seem to want to get up after hers. There was tension in the air after my decision, but, perhaps the loot would make up for it... that was my only saving grace, at this point. I could feel the others judging me on my poor performance as a leader, already, and I knew that good enough loot would change their minds about me.