[@Keksalot] I probably should have mentioned that because I don't have a grasp on DH, I'm using normal TT as a basis so my bad on that aspect. As to the "badass requirement", there is no need for any of the sort. I have said it in the CS that there's more than just combat characters in a retinue. You have priests, local guides, scribes, enginseers, medical people, etc all of which who are in a retinue. Using the Eisenhorn series as a base, his own retinue in Xenos consisted of a skilled pilot, an info addicted scribe, an astropath, a grizzled arbites, some underhive ganger and a blank who was a call girl; none of which I suspect are "badasses" in a combat sense that I'm thinking of. In fact, you could say that I'm using the Eisenhorn books as an outline and you wouldn't be too far off. I very much despise the "team of badasses" trope in this case since this isn't an A-Team styled RP, you will be doing non-combat things which Inquisitors often do most of the time. As for your picture, its not the fact that you have a geisha image for a guy that I do not approve of, its more of the fact that you picked a rather out there image without any explanation as to why anywhere in your CS. I will allow you to remake your sheet assuming you can make a more reasonable character with a better formatted and clearer CS. HOWEVER, if someone else manages to make a psyker that I deem more acceptable then they will be given preference although Muse will still be given final say on who gets in the retinue in the end. I suggest that you take your time and not bungle this opportunity. Have I made myself clear on all of this?